Divine Appointments

So many times we miss God. We miss Him in the small things, and even fail to see His goodness in the big things. We brush off moments as coincidence and think that whatever happened was just pure luck. 

But I am here to tell you that God plans meetings, answers questions, notices our small cries and brings people into our paths at the exact, right moment. 

I saw God revealing the answer to Emmy’s spasm episodes after I finally listened and obeyed that “still, small voice” telling me to fast and pray. With doctors showing up to meetings out of nowhere and saving Emmy from a dreaded tracheotomy. Even starting off this whole process by a random email inviting Randy and me to a marriage retreat for military members just 2 months before Emmy broke her arm. That Billy Graham marriage retreat prepared our hearts for a storm that was about to hit. God is sovereign. He is divine. He never promised we wouldn’t face storms, but He did promise He would be there. So don’t mistake walking through the valley of a shadow of death with God leaving us and forsaking us. No. That is just life. Pain, sickness, hurt and death happen. When you are hurt and broken, it may be the hardest thing in your life to do, but you must try to find God in the chaos. He is there guiding us and leading us, but we have to continue to cling to Him through it all. 

Which leads me to my last “Divine Appointment”. It all started with a meeting with Eli’s school counselor to pick his classes for this year. Eli is at Boy Scouts so I had to bravely choose for him. His school counselor just happens to be the youth pastor at a local church. He also just happens to have went through something no parent should have to. He lost his baby to Trisomy 13, just two days after birth (which I know a little about because one of my friends writes about her daughter with Trisomy 18). Of course, that opened the flood gates of Emmy’s story, which in turn led to him telling me about his church ReNew and the next Sunday’s sermon (which was today). I seriously have been cautious about churches since Massachusetts. I even started researching the Orthodox Christian churches. But when he told me that the associate pastor would be teaching on “Overcoming Disappointment” specifically a critically ill child, I was hooked. It was also a bonus when he mentioned communion weekly and their outreach programs, which is what the church is called to do. 

Today was perfect. Church was perfect. The sermon was perfect. Not only did I need to hear every word and every song, they already have a special needs program set up. They will pair Emmy up and I won’t have to miss service... which is AWESOME. Every kid will have a group and they even have AWANA!!  Woohoo!  Haven’t seen that since Hawaii either. I’m telling you, I met with that counselor at the exact moment my heart was yearning for a church community. God is always good and He always hears our cries. I am praying you all can hear that voice. That voice of wisdom and reason telling you the answers. It may be hard to shut up at first, but I know He is always there, always giving guidance. Have a great week, because i just know I will —no matter what!

God is good, ALL THE TIME and all the time, GOD IS GOOD.

FaithMelissa Bosch