who am i?

This is a loaded question and I often wonder how people come up with witty responses. Who am I? I am many, many things to many people. I am a wife to an amazing man of integrity and a mother to four beautiful children. I am a very spiritual person who has “Seen God” in the darkness of despair and “Heard God” through the noise of chaos and confusion.

I love learning and growing and found myself thrown into a great dissertation when our 3rd child, Emersyn Elizabeth (age 6 at the time) broke her arm and three months later went into a Grand Mal seizure, only to wake up physically handicap. Her brain was filled with inflammation, and even though every test was done imaginable (genetic, blood, spinal and imaging) no disease could be found. But God.

While Emmy’s brain got worse, God created a way to find a diagnosis a year and a half later. Sadly, the disease was the least of our worries when medical complications and confusion caused Emmy to live at Boston Children’s Hospital for almost 10 months. Now, years later, she is disease free thanks to the miracle of bone marrow transplants!

This isn’t the life I planned. The plans I did make were always good, but God knew better. He directed my steps and prepared me for the life He knew [beforehand] I would be living. Every choice, every career, every college degree and even being forced to homeschool my children (which has now led me on a different path in education) prepared me for everything I went through and every thing that is happening now. As the book of Esther says, “For such a time as this”!

Be bold, take risks, don’t stop fighting for truth and always do what is best for our future generations!

Thanks for meeting me here and I pray that you will be blessed by Crushed, but Not Broken! (click to link to book)

Missy B.
