The Accidental Paycheck

While many women and men are aware of their endeavor to start a business, I really had no idea what I was getting into when I shared my first bottle of Thieves with my good friend. That bottle changed my life. It changed her life and it started a chain reaction into what became a booming home network marketing business. Many people make fun of the majority of us who have decided to research and learn how to take our health into our own hands, while still using Western Medicine when needed. What I learned was that our bodies were created by God to heal and fight diseases if we give it the proper nutrition and care. Many people have no idea and I have been on a quest to teach everyone I know!

Knowing that many people choose to work from home for companies like Avon or Pampered chef, I never had a desire to take time away from my busy homeschooling life for work. But Young Living fell into my lap at a moment I describe as “Divinely appointed” . It was easy to share, you needed no product on hand and teaching others how to listen to their bodies just came naturally. And when products contain no toxins and are naturally derived, it was a no brainer.

And then devastation hit our family just 4 months later and we started a cycle of living in and out of a hospital searching for a diagnosis for our daughter. At that moment, I realized how beautiful network marketing jobs were. I could still teach online and share, all while spending 100% of my time with our sick daughter. My love for oils increased the more I researched brain disease and so did my monthly income. At a point where we could have gone deep into debt, I was able to pay extra bills and charges with my Young Living income. I am ever so grateful for what Young Living has provided our family and I want you to experience that kind of lifestyle!

If you are ready to start your own life of sharing and caring, contact me today!